Fatuma Rukundo

Fatuma is the proud mother of 13 children; she and her family came to Houston about 9 years ago. Originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), she speaks 5 languages: French, Swahili, Lingala, English and Fliiri.

Fatuma enjoys many things about Houston. In particular, she loves the peace she has here, the weather, and the fact that she can work and provide for her family. She loves farming because it’s something she has been doing most of her adult life. For Fatuma, it is a blessing to be able to run a family business doing what she loves. She points out that farming in Houston is very different from farming in other countries where she has lived. Previously, she grew food primarily for her family’s consumption. In Houston, farming has become a family enterprise.

Fatuma credits PIF for making it possible for her and her husband (PIF Farmer Alimasi) to provide a safe, healthy and loving home for their children. You can purchase her produce through our Farm Share.

Press: This Refugee Family Fled Congo. In Houston They Grow Organic Vegetables (Houston Chronicle).


PIF Westbury
12581 Dunlap Street

Farmers Market

Braeswood Farmers Market with Farmers Fatuma & Alimasi 
10425 Hillcroft Ave, Houston, TX 77096
Saturdays 9:00am-1:00pm