Community Impact

10 Achievements from 10 Years of Farming Houston

Plant It Forward 10th Anniversary Houston Texas
  • Since 2011, we have…

    (#1) Trained over 40 new American farmers to grow and sell for Houston’s market-goers, veggie lovers, and talented chefs; and
    (#2) Enabled 18 farmers to launch agricultural enterprises.
  • Because of these efforts…

    (#3) Today 13 farmers operate 8 independent businesses within the PIF network. Together, we farm 6 acres of land in urban Houston and provide farm-fresh produce to over 500 families each week.
  • Plant It Forward (PIF) Farmers are building a legacy for their families and the next generation of Houstonians.

    (#4) Over $2.8 million in total sales of fresh, healthy produce through PIF means:
    (#5) 3 PIF Farmer families are proud homeowners; and 
    (#6) Over the past 10 years, Farmer family members have earned 10 high school and post-secondary degrees. An additional 5 are currently in pursuit of a degree, including 4 active members of the US military.

Paying It Forward

Our efforts on the farm and in the community are reshaping Houston’s food system, bending it towards greater social justice and community solidarity, enriching biological diversity, and promoting thoughtful environmental stewardship.

  • (#7) We have introduced thousands of Houstonians to the delights of seasonal eating. And we’ve brought new healthy, delicious, climatically appropriate crops to Houston markets. Think: roselle, sorrel, amaranth, molokhia, bitter melon, and sunchokes
  • (#8) Through our partnership with Urban Harvest, we ensure that high quality fresh produce is financially accessible to everyone, without compromising on our commitment to ensure fair pay for farmers. So far, we have fulfilled over a $12,000 value of fresh produce to SNAP recipients since 2019.
  • (#9) Thousands of students, farm neighbors, and interested community members have visited and volunteered on PIF farms. While with us, they experience what it means to cultivate a working landscape and actively care for our Earth.

(#10) Along the way, countless friendships have been formed – and continue to grow – each and every day.

Our sincere thanks goes out to the Plant It Forward community – and especially to our passionate donors, Farm Shareholders, market customers, and volunteers – for making it all happen. Your support brings to life our shared vision of thriving farmers, enriching Houston’s vibrant culture. 

Cheers to you, and to the next 10 years of farming Houston!

Thank You | Merci | Asante

Wondering what’s next?

We can bring more farm-fresh food to Houstonians by expanding existing farming enterprises and training more farmers. To take this next step – to expand meaningfully and meet Houston’s needs – we need land.

We are unwavering in our mission to serve Houston’s new American farmers. To achieve our vision, we need multi-acre plots that will be held as farmland for the long-term – i.e. across generations. We need this kind of longevity for a simple reason: it’s the timescale that thriving agro-ecosystems operate on. To seek less would be to deny future Houstonians the multi-faceted benefits of a vitalized local food system.

We are actively seeking partners to join us in the effort to create an enduring and just local food system. In particular, we are seeking support from philanthropists and other funders who are looking to break down systemic racism in our food and farming systems, and to address the rapid decline of farmers and farmland in our region. If you are interested in learning more about partnering with us, please reach out to

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