Sweet Potato & Sweet Potato Greens
Season: Summer (Greens), Fall-Winter (Roots)
Storage: Store sweet potatoes in a cool, dark place. Store sweet potato greens wrapped in a dry paper towel inside a perforated or open bag in the crisper drawer of your fridge for several days.
Fun Fact: Originally cultivated by Indigenous North Americans, these tubers grow off vines and are not to be confused with yams. The heart-shaped leaves have a mild flavor, while the sweet potato itself has a rich starchiness. Rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and potassium. It is best roasted with peanut sauce or candied with sugar. Sweet potato leaves can be used as a salad, or in a stir fry, or steamed.
Get local sweet potatoes and their greens by joining our Farm Share or shopping at farmer’s markets, then share your favorite preparations through our Facebook page.