Bell Peppers
Season: Summer, Fall
Storage: In the fridge in plastic bag
Fun Facts: Bell peppers originate from Central & South America, but have become globally popular. Containing twice as much vitamin C as citrus, bell peppers become sweeter as they ripen. They are delicious raw served alongside hummus or dip, stuffed with rice and tomato sauce, or stir fried in your favorite Chinese or Thai recipe.
Did you know that the colors of bell peppers are based off of their stages of ripeness? Green bell peppers are the first stage and are considered unripe, then yellow, orange, and final stage is red. In all stages of ripeness, their nutrient contents vary. Green bell peppers have 14% more antioxidants than red bell peppers. Yellow bell peppers have the most antioxidants. Red bell peppers have about 11 times more beta-carotene, 2 times more vitamin C, and 10 times more vitamin A than green bell peppers.
Bell peppers are in the genus Capsicum a flowering plant in the night shade family, native to the Americas. This genus has been known to help treat minor pain. One is able to use the peppers as a topical treatment.
Get local bell peppers by joining our Farm Share or shopping at farmer’s markets, then share your favorite preparations through our Facebook page.
Recipe from She Loves Biscotti by Maria
- Resist the urge to stir when the sweet peppers are added to the softened onions. Just walk away.
- Serve this dish hot, warm or at room temperature. The flavors improve the longer the peppers sit together.
- If you are a fan of hot peppers, you can easily add one to this recipe.